As Managing Director of Oregon Pacific International (OPI), I am grateful to introduce our
Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery (ABAC) program. The designing ABAC program provides
guidance on our executive decision making, which indicates to such questions: Are our
action illegal and unethical? Would our actions cause potential conflict with business
partners, customers and others? What are the consequences that are in place to address
improper activity?
In addressing these questions, OPI considers the aspect of broad global consensus that has
locally developed (Tonga) and within International Governments and Organization ABAC
compliance program. However, this program is customized to serve only the interests of OPI
and it’s business dealings in the current landscape. Future considerations would need to be
made to address evolving local laws and ethical standards.
Due to the capacity and nature of our construction trade company. I believe that OPI’s
Integrity policy program is tailored to reflect on the company’s business slogan “WE BUILD
WITH QUALITY”. It is our commitment to comply and maintain the best quality of internal
and external work ethics. OPI employees would be required to act in accordance with the

Integrity policy and be held accountable for any misleading, fraudulent and mis-

The procedures instated in this Integrity policy (IP) provides consequences and the
formalized approaches to employees, sub-contractors and customers in relation to
misconduct, breaching of any agree contract terms and vise-versa. I believe that the IP
program instated is our priority to provide and maintain quality business relationship with
our customer, vendors, investors, sub-contractors, communities and employees. We value
their opinion with consideration on how to best resolve risks. I believe our reputation is
important to be systemized into one coherent with the IP to protect our reputation and
uphold the utmost ethical behavior, and professional code of conduct.
The standards set out in this program are supplemented by inside approaches and
strategies, which entails the responsibilities and role of individual OPI employees. All
Employees are to understand the letter of the law and also the spirit of the law in relation to
the nature of this policy. Concerns can be anonymously addressed to supervisor, at various
level, and or can be reported directly to our compliance team. It is the individual duty of our
management team, and employees to uphold and practice the ABAC program.
I support this program as a guide in enabling and maintaining an ethical business
environment within the workplace, and would require all trading partners and business
associates to adhere by it.

Ilaisia Gordon Tukuafu
Managing Director